Sunday, August 05, 2007

Twins meet-up yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon, we traveled to DesPlaines to a park to meet up with 3 other moms of twins. The kids had a good time, even if we couldn't stay to long. It's very hard watching all 3 of them around the park. This particular park set up lent itself to a man on man defense, rather than zone, which means Tom and I had to share Brodie. I need to get that kid some fluorescent shirts for outings. The girls were running on nearly no nap, so they got a little owly towards the end (saved by pizza and juice). The other moms were so nice; it's always nice to meet the people that live inside my computer.

This morning I went to Jazzercise, and now I'm drinking some Alterra coffee, which is my new favorite. I don't think I can ever go back to buying Folgers now. Tom and Brodie are grocery shopping and the girls are watching the Teletubbies. Earlier Tom was singing Elvis tunes and had the girls in hysterical fits of laughter. Cate tried her own garbled version of singing, "Hunka hunka burnin' love," followed by throwing her hands in the air, yelling, "Whoa!"

No plans yet for the rest of the day. We are getting some desperately needed rain. The smart plan would be to clean the basement during naptime. We aren't very smart, though, so we'll probably go to a mall to walk around. I'm trying to stock up on work clothes for school.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Even better, Alterra is a cycling sponsor. Yeah!