Sunday, July 20, 2008


We went to Festa Italiana today. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that admission was free until 3:30. We went sans stroller. I think the girls did quite well on their "leashes"...except for when some guy in a major hurry took Cate down in one long stride. Arancini (rice balls) and deep fried eggplant isn't as good when it's almost 90 degrees out, in case anyone is wondering.

Brodie was disappointed to not get to ride any rides, but cripes, it was a rip-off. Tickets were $1 each, and each ride was about 4 tickets. Family of five riding the carousel? Um, no. I think he was appeased by a chocolate covered marshmallow on a stick and little carved wooden recorder. The girls were kept happy with some red, green and white bead necklaces. They all fell asleep in the car on the way home, so we took a scenic route.

Dinner was ridiculously simple after all the junk we ate. I put out a huge tray of raw veggies, dip, and some cheese and crackers. All of us have a touch of sunburn. The tip of Cailey's nose is a little pink, because she insists on wearing her sunhat like Ed Norton. I'm anticipating a solid night's sleep.

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